A: Loosen the rear wheel lug nuts, raise the rear end of the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands. Block the front wheels to keep the vehicle from rolling. Release the parking brake and remove the rear wheels. Remove the Brake Caliper and Brake Disc. Once the disc is removed, clean the parking brake assembly with brake system cleaner. Using locking pliers, unhook and remove the springs. Remove the adjuster assembly and strut from between the brake shoes. Grasp one of the shoe hold-down cups with pliers and push it toward the brake backing plate to compress the hold-down spring. Twist the cup 1/4-turn to align the slot in the hold-down pin with the cup, then release the spring pressure and take off the cup and spring. Repeat this with the cup and spring on the other parking brake shoe. Take the shoes off the backing plate. Disengage the parking brake lever from the cable. Check all parts for wear and damage, paying special attention to metal-to-metal contact points. Replace worn or damaged parts. Check the parking brake drum surface inside the brake disc for score marks, cracks, deep scratches, and hard spots. Apply a small amount of high-temperature brake grease to the friction points of the backing plate and adjuster screw assembly. Reverse the removal steps to install the brake shoes. The shoe-to-anchor spring with the paint mark is installed with the paint mark toward the rear of the vehicle. Expand the shoes, using the automatic adjuster, until the drum will just fit over them. Install the brake disc and caliper. Adjust the parking brake. Install the wheel and lug nuts. Lower the vehicle and tighten the lug nuts to the torque. Check the operation of the parking brake.