Q: How to Replace the Brake Light Switch on Dodge Ram 3500 and Ram 3500?
A: Disconnect the cable(s) from the negative battery terminal(s). The switch is mounted at the brake pedal, so disconnect the wiring from the switch. Hold the brake pedal down, then turn the switch slightly clockwise and pull it from its bracket. On early 2009 models, the switch must be replaced with a new one whenever it's removed. Let up the brake pedal. For early 2009 models, hold the brake pedal down and insert the new switch into its bracket until it's properly seated, then turn it counterclockwise to lock it in place. Let go of the brake pedal, but don't pull it up. Turn the plunger release lever clockwise until it snaps into place. Make sure the switch is seated properly before moving the lever. If an error is made, the switch will have to be discarded and replaced with a new one. Connect the wiring harness and the battery cable(s). For late 2009 and later models, verify that the switch plunger is completely extended. Hold the brake pedal down and install the switch into its bracket, seating it fully. Turn the switch clockwise to lock it in place. Let go of the brake pedal to allow the switch to adjust itself. Connect the wiring harness and the battery cable(s).