A: To remove the steering column, start by parking the vehicle with the wheels straight ahead and disconnecting the negative battery terminal. Wait at least two minutes for the airbag system to deplete. Remove the steering column covers, Steering Wheel, and clockspring. Turn the ignition key to the LOCK position. If there is a column-mounted shifter, detach the shift cable and electrical connector. For floor-mounted shifters, release the shift cable from its clip. Unplug any other electrical connectors that may interfere with column removal. Remove the brake light switch and the shaft coupler bolt to separate the intermediate shaft from the steering shaft. Replace the bolt if necessary. Lower the column, making sure nothing is still connected. To install, guide the steering column into position and tighten the mounting nuts. Connect the intermediate shaft to the steering column and tighten the coupler bolt. Complete the installation by reversing the removal process.