Q: How to Check the Ignition Coil on Dodge Ram 2500 and Ram 2500?
A: To check the 3.7L V6 and 4.7L V8 engines, start by removing the ignition coil and cleaning the outer case for any damage. Clean the coil primary terminals and check for corrosion. Use an ohm-meter to measure the primary resistance across the two terminals of the connector. Compare the measurement to the specified range and replace the ignition coil if necessary. To check the secondary resistance, connect one ohm-meter lead to the positive terminal of the connector and the other lead to the high-tension terminal at the coil and the spark plug wire terminal. Compare the measurements to the specified range and replace the ignition coil if needed. If the resistance values are within range but the coil is still misfiring or causing trouble codes, try swapping it with an adjacent coil. If the issue persists, consult a professional. For the 3.6L V6 and HEMI engines, follow similar steps but note that for HEMI engines, it may be easier to check certain coils on the bench. Clean the outer case and terminals, measure the primary resistance, and swap coils if necessary. For replacement, remove the necessary components, disconnect the electrical connector, and remove the ignition coil. Install the new coil by reversing the removal steps.