A: To remove the steering column, start by parking the vehicle with the wheels straight ahead and disconnecting the negative battery terminal(s). Wait at least two minutes before proceeding. Remove the Steering Wheel and turn the ignition key to the 'LOCK' position. Remove the steering column covers and the airbag clockspring to prevent damage. Take off the knee bolster and the reinforcement plate underneath it. Disconnect the shift cable from the shift lever and column bracket. Detach the electrical connectors from the ignition and multi-function switches, as well as any other connectors that may interfere with column removal. Remove the shaft coupler bolt and separate the intermediate shaft from the steering shaft. Remove the brake light switch. Finally, remove the steering column mounting nuts, lower the column, and pull it to the rear, ensuring that nothing is still connected. To install the steering column, guide it into position and install the mounting nuts without tightening them yet. Connect the intermediate shaft to the steering column and tighten the new coupler bolt. Tighten the column mounting nuts. The remainder of the installation is the reverse of removal. Adjust the shift cable and replace the brake light switch.